So, why on earth did I create a wordpress site.. again.. I usually have nothing to say..

Simple, really. Last time I tried out wordpress, apache was my webserver of choice, as it is and has been for so many. Installation and getting it up and running was fairly straight forward.

This time around, the idea would be to try something new, something that would make it a different from last time.

So, quick list of all the involved bits..

  1. nginx webserver
  2. php-fpm
  3. mysql database backend
  4. ipad wordpress client
  5. android wordpress client

The real challenge is now to see it can all work together to create something fun..

Oh, and I’m not entirely sure about the ipad and the android clients being the ones I’m actually using, I’ll verify that at some point, I just search for ‘wordpress’ in their respective stores and picked the one from wordpress


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