Openindiana hipster post-install stuff

So, I have the old post about fixing up my openindiana install.

I recently did an install of a hipster (bleeding edge..) openindiana and the post-install dance is a bit different there.

Quite simply, I do the following as root after install.

Add some publishers

pkg set-publisher -g https://pkg …
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Openindiana network configuration shortstory

So, I have this openindiana, and I'd like it to have a network configuration. But something slightly more advanced than what's default. So during the installation, instead of selecting "Automatic" network, I'll say "none" and have a network-wise blank box start up.

So, for instance.

# ipadm show-if
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Openindiana post-install pkg "setup"

So, having installed a few (honestly, it's 3..) openindiana boxes I found myself doing the same thing over and over again to bring what I could be rather cocky and call, a little bit of sanity, to the default pkg setup.

First of all, we take care of the 'pkg' …

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Openindiana, enable a serial console for user login

I had a machine that made a lot of noise, so I didn't really want to sit too close to it.

It got moved to a distant room and placed next to another machine, and that when I learned that the built in OutOfBand feature on that particular machine didn't …

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