So, I tried earlier to use bootstrap3 as a theme, more acurately, I tried messing around with themse from Pelican Themes, only very themes worked so in desperation I started reading some documentation, and it always seemed to simple..

Tweak the, and it just works.. also bootstrap3 needs some extra plugins.

THEME = 'themes/pelican-bootstrap3'
PLUGIN_PATHS = ['plugins']
PLIGINS = ['i18n_subsites','neighbors','tag_cloud','post_revision','post_stats']

Fought back and forth, and ended up going back to themes/simple-bootstrap that didn't require any plugins.

A few days later and I noticed my typo.. So now..

THEME = 'themes/pelican-bootstrap3'
PLUGIN_PATHS = ['plugins']
PLUGINS = ['i18n_subsites','neighbors','tag_cloud','post_revision','post_stats','liquid_tags.graphviz']

And everything works according to the classic plan for progress!

Now I just have to find something intelligent to do with this new powerfull tool ;-)


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