So, I have the old post about fixing up my openindiana install.
I recently did an install of a hipster (bleeding edge..) openindiana and the post-install dance is a bit different there.
Quite simply, I do the following as root after install.
Add some publishers
pkg set-publisher -g hipster-encumbered
pkg set-publisher -g localhostoih
Fetch some "nice to have" things.
pkg install zsh gnu-coreutils gnu-diffutils gnu-tar
In case I want an X environment on the box
pkg install mate_install
And then use svcadm to enable lightdm.
Prepare my path for what's about to be installed
PATH=/opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin:$PATH export PATH
create ZFS paths to keep an eye on new things.
zfs create -o mountpoint=/opt rpool/opt
zfs create -o mountpoint=/opt/local rpool/opt/local`
And then install it, update it and fetch some nice new software. Obviously the '2016Q4' will changes over time..
The entire path might :)
curl | gtar -zxpf - -C /
/opt/local/bin/pkgin up
/opt/local/bin/pkgin -y install py35-virtualenv py27-virtualenv git
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