User fixup in gitlab

I had to restore a gitlab installation and after that I had to recover admin rights.

So I needed to go through gitlab-rails and the console, and it requires a bit of patience before the prompt shows up

root@testgitlab:~# gitlab-rails console production
Loading production environment (Rails 4.2.10 …
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Turning a root on ZFS to a root on ZFS-mirror

Right, so from time to time I end up installing a FreeBSD system while there's only one disk for the os, sometimes by accident and sometimes on purpose.

Sometimes, it's just because the old mirror has a really bad drive it in and I want to freshen it up a …

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Making a home in FreeBSD

So, there are things I want to do on a FreeBSD after the installation. A few things I want to make sure is exactly as I want it to make the place feel more like home.

First of all, I want a few packages that I want installed to make …

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Making a gitlab-ci for the pelican site

So I've had this pelican site for .. ehm.. $time ..

First .gitlab-ci.yml was easy, just use the basic stuff from examples, but then I needed some extra stuff.

Had to make a requirements.txt to add a few basic python packages (which pulls in an extra dusin).


pelican …
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blockdiags nwdiag embedded in markdown

So after doing a bit of configuration and installation:

sudo apt install -y blockdiag nwdiag apt-utils git python-pip graphviz python-blockdiag
cp -R ../pelican-plugins/liquid_tags plugins/

Doing some config:

PLUGIN_PATHS = ['plugins']
PLUGINS = ['i18n_subsites','neighbors','tag_cloud','post_revision','post_stats','liquid_tags.graphviz','liquid_tags.diag']

It was time to try it out with something that …

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Getting Pelican Plugins working

So, I tried earlier to use bootstrap3 as a theme, more acurately, I tried messing around with themse from Pelican Themes, only very themes worked so in desperation I started reading some documentation, and it always seemed to simple..

Tweak the, and it just works.. also bootstrap3 needs …

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